Customer Testimonials

"We bought our Loscombe home in 2002 after visiting the parade of homes.  During the five months prior I had been watching the new Parade homes being built and much to my curiosity I visited the site frequently to watch the construction week by week. There is no better way to select a builder than by seeing what’s behind the walls and under the floors, coupled with the neatness during the construction process and the organization of the crews. It makes a huge difference in the end product.

Eight years later our home is living proof that these things make a difference. This is our fourth home and would never consider another builder other than Loscombe. We had to call Todd once in the last eight years but that was because I couldn’t figure out how to change the light bulb in our bathroom fan. Todd's response was immediate and he told me if I couldn’t figure it out he would stop by and show me.

That is why I would recommend a Loscombe Home to anybody.  We love our home and so do all of our friends and family. The craftsmanship, design and materials have certainly passed the test of time and it still looks like we just moved in yesterday. You couldn’t hire a person that cares more about what they deliver in quality than Todd Loscombe."


David F. Bellso, Cicero, NY.


"In years past we always looked forward to seeing the house that Todd Loscombe built at the Parade Of Homes.  We approached Todd about building our dream house... from our first meeting to the final closing, Todd was an absolute delight to work with and always patient and professional... and he always responded promptly to any call or email; even after the house was completed. 


Mark and Ann Lesselroth